Hatchie Announces New Album ‘Giving The World Away’

Hatchie will release new album ‘Giving The World Away’ on April 22nd.

The Australian songwriter has signed to Secretly Canadian, who will usher her new LP out into the watching world.

Cutting down to her core, ‘Giving The World Away’ advances her 90s indebted sound while adding some palpable pop ambition.

“There’s more to me than just writing songs about being in love or being heartbroken – there’s a bigger picture than that,” Pilbeam explains. “This album really just feels like the beginning to me, and scratching the surface – and even though it’s my third release as Hatchie, I feel like I’m rebooting from scratch.”

Out on April 22nd, lead single ‘Quicksand’ is a glorious return, with the liquid bassline set against layered synths, clipped guitar lines, and that heavenly vocal.

Co-written with Grammy nominated Olivia Rodrigo collaborator Dan Nigro, it locates the perfect balance of light and shade.

She adds…

“’Quicksand’ is about dealing with the realisation that you’ll never be satisfied. I started writing it when I was home between tours in 2019 before finishing it with Joe Agius and Dan Nigro the next year. I was feeling guilty and ungrateful for not being happy about a few different things in my life that were technically going well.”

“I had to work through some tough learned thought processes and emotions that had been working away for years to try to understand how to be happy with my present, and stop fixating on my past and future. The video digs deeper into showing this juxtaposition of such sadness and anger despite being surrounded by glamour and grandeur.”

Director Nathan Castiel dives into opulent Hollywood melancholy for the clip – tune in now.

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