He is 8 years old and confessed that his father “made him sell little bags with white flour”: he forced him to vacuum it, beat him and even swore to “bury him” if he spoke | Chronicle | Sign next to the people

A eight-year-old boy suffered mistreatment and abuse at the hands of his father and uncle. The fact was denounced before the Justice, however, the investigation does not advance . At the moment, the defendants are free and intimidate the victim prowling around the family home . The boy’s mother, Daniela Gómez , spoke with chronic .com.ar and claimed the lack of responses it receives on behalf of the Judicial Power . “I have reports of death threats, abuse, and mistreatment . I don’t know what the prosecutors are waiting for to act. It seems that they need my son to appear dead to do something “, he sentenced.

Episodes of child maltreatment and abuse came out to the light in January 2020 , when the child was eight years old and told his mother that did not want to go more to his dad’s house . When the woman asked him what were the reasons why he refused, amid screaming and crying, the boy related the ordeal of which he would have been a victim on the days that he had to reside in his father’s house. The complaint for sexual abuse was made in the Central de San Martín , to later be referred to UFI N ° 14 and 19 that work on the case together.

As stated in the complaint made , in the testimonial statement of the minor, he said that on several occasions “ they left him alone in a field to become a man “, said his mother. Even on one occasion “they left him locked up in an abandoned grocery store to sleep there, and they told him that if he spoke they would kill him” .

The child abuse was materialized of many modes. “The father and uncle spied on him while he bathed, they also entered the bathroom and touched his tail and pulled his dick”, said Daniela. However, the defendant’s ex-partner stated that the minor told him that “they gave him a bitter pill with milk and that they forced him to smoke armed cigarette . They even gave him a bag of flour and told him to breathe it through his nose. ”

“I don’t know if they drug him to hurt him” , held the woman. In addition, he recalled that when his son returned from being with his father, he always returned “ with chest pain and very hungry.”

In accordance with the provisions of the complaint, on one occasion “the defendant dug a well and threatened to bury the minor inside “.

“He also took him to a settlement and he sold sachets with white flour. Sometimes the boys would go out of school and he would steal their cell phones and give the boy the gun to keep it for him “, Daniela recounted. Likewise, the child’s mother reported that he told her that his father and uncle “ pushed him, hit him, threw him on the floor and told him that he was ugly, and that because of he had problems, “ said. The abuse was such that even the denounced man would have threatened to kill the boy “putting a knife to his throat”.

However, the woman explained that until the minor did not tell her, she did not suspect a tiny part of the that his son suffered. The reported episodes would have occurred on Fridays and Saturdays when the man took the child to his mother’s house where he lived with his siblings, according to what established by the visitation regime.

Based on the complaint made, the accused began to intimidate Daniela and her son in multiple ways. “They were chasing us. On one occasion my son’s father appeared to my sister and showed my sister a gun ” , Daniela said. Another complaint for threats was filed at the José C. Paz Women’s Police Station . As a result of it, the Justice granted Daniela a perimeter , however on last December 13 it expired and it was not renewed .

Since then, the denounced from time to time appeared at night in the surroundings of the minor’s house “ hooded “. Without going any further in the past December 23 the situation became more serious.

“That day my son goes to the corner to look for his friends, and the father passes with the uncle in a car, they grab him by the shirt and give it to him. When I go out to look for him, my son was gone, “ said the woman. All the neighbors of the Almirador de Altube neighborhood, where she resides with her family, began to desperately search to the baby . Fortunately, after hours he appeared unbalanced in a field.

“Then my son told the police that it was his father and uncle who They took him in a gray car to a field where they threatened him with a knife with a white handle, and told him that if he kept talking they would kill him “, said Daniela. The defendants were immediately detained at the third police station of José C. Paz . However, within hours they were released since “It was not considered illegitimate deprivation of liberty because they took him less than six hours”, detailed Daniela.

Since then the denounced are free and intimidate the victims passing by the corner of their house. Meanwhile, Daniela bets on Justice, and hopes that the investigation progresses and that once and for all her son is subjected to the corresponding psychological skills .

Police Chronicle: all the news today

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