Health officials investigate Salmonella outbreak in Gibraltar

Public health officials in Gibraltar have declared an outbreak due to increased Salmonella cases.

Five patients have been diagnosed, and two have been hospitalized.

Public Health Gibraltar, the Gibraltar Health Authority, and the Environmental Agency are trying to identify the outbreak’s source.

The Gibraltar Health Authority said the five cases are likely an underestimate, with reports of diarrhea and vomiting in people in the community who are not going to hospitals. People fell sick towards the middle of October, and people of various ages were affected.

The strain of Salmonella has not yet been confirmed, and genomic typing is being undertaken in the United Kingdom.

Food poisoning and Salmonella are notifiable in Gibraltar. The country typically sees a maximum of three Salmonella infections per month. There were none over the summer before a sudden increase in recent weeks. The Gibraltar Health Authority attributed the zero cases in summer to a campaign with Public Health Gibraltar and the Environmental Agency at the start of the season.

“We would like to remind the community of the importance of maintaining good food hygiene and hand hygiene practices. These measures play a crucial role in preventing foodborne illnesses, such as Salmonella, which can be spread through contaminated food, water, or contact with infected animals,” said the three agencies in a statement.

Tips to help protect yourself and others include washing hands frequently with soap and water before preparing or eating food, after using the toilet, and after handling raw meat, poultry, or eggs. Ensure that all food, particularly meat, poultry, eggs, and seafood, is cooked to the correct temperature. Keep raw and cooked foods separate, use different utensils for handling raw meat, and regularly clean kitchen surfaces and equipment to avoid cross-contamination. Refrigerate perishable foods promptly and avoid leaving food at room temperature for extended periods.

About Salmonella

Food contaminated with Salmonella bacteria does not usually look, smell, or taste spoiled. However, anyone can become sick with a Salmonella infection. According to the CDC, infants, children, seniors, and people with weakened immune systems are at higher risk of serious illness because their immune systems are fragile.

Anyone who has developed symptoms of Salmonella food poisoning should seek medical attention. Sick people should tell their doctors about the possible exposure to Salmonella bacteria because special tests are necessary to diagnose salmonellosis. Salmonella infection symptoms can mimic other illnesses, frequently leading to misdiagnosis.

Symptoms of Salmonella infection can include diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and fever within 12 to 72 hours after eating contaminated food. Otherwise, healthy adults are usually sick for four to seven days. In some cases, however, diarrhea may be so severe that patients require hospitalization.

Older adults, children, pregnant women, and people with weakened immune systems, such as cancer patients, are more likely to develop severe illness and serious, sometimes life-threatening conditions. Some people get infected without getting sick or showing any symptoms. However, they may still spread the infections to others.

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