He's out for now – start without Lucas Cordalis!

Positive corona test! | Jungle Start
without Lucas Cordalis

Photo: RTL / Arya Shirazi

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Lucas Cordalis wanted to go to the jungle camp like his father Costa († 75).Costa Cordalis was the first jungle king in 2004 Photo: RTL / Arya Shirazi

Article from: Eileen Primus published on

One of the top favorites can only be viewed as a spectator for the time being : Lucas Cordalis (54) is NOT at the start.

The husband of TV icon Daniela Katzenberger had been in South Africa for over a week and was looking forward to the big jungle camp adventure. But on Wednesday morning, broadcaster RTL announced: Lucas is not allowed to go to the campfire, his bush trip is over before it has even really started.

Reason: A positive PCR test. According to the broadcaster, this is carried out every five days for all candidates and the crew. Now the latest swab at Cordalis was positive. Just before the start of the camp.

“Lucas Cordalis is fine, he has no symptoms. He has been in self-isolation since the test result and is receiving medical care,” said RTL. The production team on site in South Africa also had positive test results, for which they were prepared. The positive cases were not related to the infection of Cordalis.

And now? Only 11 instead of 12 candidates are moving to the camp.

Means: Unlike Christin Okpara (25), who was thrown out for cheating on vaccination cards, there is not a replacement candidate immediately. As a reminder: Jasmin Herren will stand in for Christin from day 1 in the camp.

Because: RTL hopes that Cordalis can move up into the jungle at a later date. That would not be certain at this point in time.

The new season starts this Friday on TV .

Note: This article has been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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