House of Stars: Sierra Leoneans Reality tv contestant arrested on Live TV

In a startling incident on December 22, 2024, Sierra Leonean activist Hawa Hunt was arrested live on the reality television show “House of Stars.” The arrest is reportedly linked to alleged disparaging remarks she made about President Julius Maada Bio and First Lady Fatima Bio during the recent election campaign.

The live broadcast of her arrest has ignited widespread debate concerning freedom of speech and the potential suppression of dissenting voices in Sierra Leone. Critics argue that the public nature of the arrest was a deliberate attempt to intimidate government critics, while others believe it could have been handled more discreetly, allowing her to complete her participation in the show.

This event has intensified discussions about the state of civil liberties in the country, with many citizens expressing concern over the implications for free expression and political dissent.

For a visual account of the incident, you can watch the following video:


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