How Long Does CBD Stay in Your System?

This article contains affiliate links to products. We may receive a commission for purchases made through these links. CBD, also known as cannabidiol, is one of the many cannabinoids found in hemp plants. Over the last few years, CBD-infused products have continued to grow in popularity, especially as growing research uncovers the many therapeutic benefits that CBD offers.  The cannabinoid has shown to have anti-inflammatory as well as calming properties, which means less aches and pains, lower stress levels, and more balanced day-to-day living. CBD can also promote healthier sleep while also supporting various parts of the body, including the brain and heart.  Even though CBD products containing less than 0.3% THC are legal federally, there is still some risk, especially for those who are drug tested to maintain their employment. Because there’s much to learn about how CBD interacts with the body, some are on the fence about trying these products.  Here’s what you need to know about the role CBD plays in the body, as well as how long the compound stays in your system. 

Factors to Consider 

While CBD doesn’t have psychoactive effects like THC, which means you won’t get high or experience any type of euphoria or confusion, the compound does stay in your body for some time. However, there’s no single answer for how long CBD will stay in your system.  Instead, there are several factors that must be considered, including metabolism, dosage, method of administration, and frequency of use.  A person’s metabolism plays a huge role in how fast CBD is metabolized and then excreted. Younger people tend to have faster metabolisms, which means the compound may leave the body sooner when compared to an older user.  Dose is another important factor to consider. The amount of CBD taken influences how long it stays in your system. The higher the dosage, typically the longer it hangs out in the body.  The effects of CBD and its presence in the body is dependent on how it’s administered into the body. Smoking and vaping CBD offers immediate results, while taking gummies or some other edible delays the onset of effects for an hour or so.  A last factor to consider is frequency of use. Using CBD frequently influences how long the cannabinoid stays in the body.  So what does research say? A 2018 review of existing studies found that the half-life of CBD is two to five days when the compound is taken orally. Other administration methods have various half-lives.  On average, it’s safe to say that CBD can remain in the body for up to two weeks. But that doesn’t mean that levels are detectable in a urine or blood-based drug test. 

How Long Does CBD Show Up in Urine? 

Many modern drug tests analyze a urine sample to test for any illegal compounds. While there aren’t many studies that have looked at how long CBD is detectable in urine, there is one that uncovered some important details.   2016 study tested various forms of CBD including capsules, oils, and flowers. After two hours, the participants’ urine samples were tested, and all tested positive. However, after retesting urine samples 24 hours later, CBD levels were no longer detectable.  Be mindful that this is one of the only studies to test CBD detection in the urine. If you will be drug tested in the near future, it’s best to avoid using CBD for at least a week. Or, use only products that contain CBD isolate or broad spectrum extract. 

Will CBD Make You Fail a Drug Test? 

While it’s highly unlikely that CBD will cause you to fail a drug test, it’s best to lean on the side of caution. Most drug tests look for the presence of THC, which is illegal at the federal level and in most states (with the exception of a few).  With that said, it’s important to remember that CBD products can legally contain up to 0.3% THC. But because this amount is so low, it’s very unlikely that it would register on a drug test. You would have to take a huge amount of full spectrum CBD oil, something like 1,000mg or 2,000mg a day to be at risk of failing a drug test.  If you want to be extra cautious but still want to reap the benefits that CBD has to offer, you’ll be happy to know that there are tons of THC-free products available. Only products that contain full spectrum extract have THC. To avoid the compound altogether, buy products made with CBD isolate or broad spectrum CBD.  When using CBD for the first time or switching to a new product, always buy from a brand that has its products tested by a third party lab. This way you can buy with confidence knowing that the CBD contains a legal amount of THC or no THC at all. 

Top 3 CBD Brands You Can Trust 

CBD products aren’t equal. There are tons of low quality, potentially harmful CBD products that are being sold under the guise of being safe, legal, and effective. Don’t risk your money and your health by blindly purchasing CBD.  Here are three CBD brands that you can trust for high quality products. 

1. Verma Farms 

Verma Farms products are made with the highest quality CBD for your mind and body. Though best known for their CBD gummies, Verma Farms has a full line of products, including tinctures, capsules, topicals, and even dried fruit.  All products are made with unadulterated, and pesticide-free CBD that is specially formulated to improve concentration, energy levels, rest, focus, and rejuvenation. Verma Farms tests all of its products using a reliable third-party lab.  Consumers can buy with total confidence knowing that these products are not only safe and effective, but legal. 

2. Penguin 

Everyone deserves to live a calm, chill life. Penguin formulates its products to keep people balanced, in-sync, and feeling their best. Whether you’re interested in a broad spectrum or CBD isolate product, Penguin has just the product for you. All extract originates from Oregon grown hemp that is grown without the use of pesticides and GMOs.  Choose between capsules, gummies, tinctures, or cream for long-lasting relief. Without the risk of THC exposure, you can use Penguin CBD products anywhere at any time. These products are also tested by a third-party lab.  Embrace the penguin lifestyle and find the best CBD for you!   

3. Evn CBD 

Evn CBD offers products you need to stay balanced and on an even keel. When your mind and body are in sync, you can enjoy peak performance at home, at work, and in life in general. Evn CBD’s products support a natural calm while also promoting focus and recovery, which is especially important after those stressful days.  Evn CBD products are made from organic, non-GMO hemp that is grown throughout the United States. Each product is made with broad spectrum CBD extract, which contains all of the plant compounds with the exception of THC. Products undergo rigorous testing to ensure efficacy and safety.  Evn CBD offers a variety of options to choose from, including gummies, oils, capsules, topicals, and even bundles. 

Final Thoughts 

CBD can stay in your system anywhere from a day to a few weeks. The timeframe is highly dependent on various factors, including metabolism, dosage, consumption method, and frequency of use.  If you’re concerned about an upcoming drug test, note that most of them are designed to detect THC. However, some CBD products can legally contain a trace amount of this cannabinoid, but the amount is unlikely to cause you to test positive.  What’s most important is that you buy CBD from a brand that you can trust. Reputable CBD manufacturers have their products tested for total transparency. This way you can buy with total peace of mind and know for sure that the product you’re using is safe, effective, and legal. 
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