How to Convert an Excel Sheet to Google Sheets

Google Sheets logo with a yellow gradient background.

You can convert an Excel spreadsheet to a Google Sheets file by uploading it to Google Drive. Once you have, open it with Google Sheets and select File> Save as Google Sheets.

Want to be able to work on your spreadsheets on the web? If so, convert all your Microsoft Excel spreadsheets to Google Sheets. After you complete this simple process, other people can edit your spreadsheets and you can use Sheets-exclusive functions. Here’s how.

What to Know When Converting Your Spreadsheets

Since Excel and Google Sheets are two different spreadsheet processors, their functionality varies. Here are some things to note before conversion:

You can convert your Excel spreadsheet in various formats, such as XLSX, XLSM, CSV, and more, to Google Sheets format.

There are two ways to perform this conversion. You can either use Google Sheets or Google Drive. We’ll show you both ways.

Convert Excel Sheets to Google Sheets via Google Drive

To use the Google Drive method, launch a web browser on your computer and open Drive. Log in to your account if you haven’t already.

After logging in, from Drive’s left side, select New> File Upload.

File upload option inside Google Drive

Your computer’s standard “Open” window will launch. Here, navigate to the folder where your Excel file is saved, and double-click the file to upload it to Drive.

Open window on desktop

Once your Excel file is uploaded, in Drive, right-click the file and choose Open With> Google Sheets.

File upload options inside Google Drive

In the Google Sheets window, from the menu bar at the top, select File> Save as Google Sheets.

Save as Google Sheets inside Google Drive

Sheets will convert your Excel file to Sheets format, and automatically open the resulting file in a new browser tab.

Sheets version of an Excel file

You can now delete the original Excel file that you uploaded earlier to avoid duplicates. To do so, right-click on your original file and choose “Remove.”

Deleting Excel file in Google Drive

And that’s it. Your new Sheets version is now ready for you to work on. Make use of all the productivity features that Sheets has to offer.

RELATED: 7 Google Sheets Features to Boost Your Productivity

Convert Excel Sheets to Google Sheets via Sheets

If you’d like to use Google Sheets for the conversion, open a web browser on your computer and launch Sheets. Then, sign in to your account.

After signing in, from the top-right corner of your spreadsheet list, select “Open File Picker” (which is a folder icon).

File picker option inside Google Sheets

On the “Open a File” window, at the top, select the “Upload” tab. Then, choose “Browse.”

File upload option inside Google Sheets

You’ll see your computer’s standard “Open” window. Here, select the Excel file you want to turn into Sheets format.

Open window on desktop

When your file is uploaded, Sheets will open it in a new browser tab.

To now convert this file to Sheets format, from the menu bar at the top, select File> Save as Google Sheets.

Save as Google Sheets option inside Google Sheets

Google Sheets will convert your file and open the new version in a separate browser tab.

Excel file converted to Sheets

You may now delete the original Excel file by selecting File> Move to Trash.

Deleting Excel file in Google Sheets

And that’s all there is to making your Excel spreadsheets viewable and editable online.

Convert Excel Sheets to Google Sheets Automatically in Google Drive

To make it so all the Excel spreadsheets that you upload to Google Drive automatically convert to Sheets format, toggle on an option in Google Drive’s settings menu.

To do that, launch Google Drive and select the gear icon followed by “Settings” in the top-right corner.

Settings inside Google Drive

In “Settings,” turn on the “Convert Uploaded Files to Google Docs Editor Format” option. Then, in the top-right corner, select “Done.”

Convert Uploaded Files to Google Docs Editor Format inside Google Drive

All your future Office document uploads will now be converted to a suitable Google format.

Want to do the reverse of the above, which is to convert a Google Sheet to Microsoft Excel? If so, there’s an easy way to do that.

RELATED: How to Convert a Google Sheet to Microsoft Excel

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