How to get 6 months free of Apple Music with Beats Studio Buds headphones

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Beats en a brand ally of Apple, and as proof of this it is included in some of its most attractive promotions, especially those related to Apple Music.

If you are thinking of buying headphones and you are a fan of Apple, AirPods of different types and prices are the first option, obviously. However, they are also those of Beats, one of the main firms in the sound sector and with a great reputation for the quality of its headphones.

Between all those who sell, highlight the Beats Studio Buds, which are reduced to 119 euros on Amazon and which come with a pleasant surprise: once you have them you can activate the free trial of Apple Music for six months .

Studio Buds

Studio Buds

With active noise cancellation, these True Wireless headphones deliver clear, uninterrupted sound. They are compatible with iOS and Android.

On the page Apple website you can see all the necessary instructions to access those six free months of Apple Music, something only within the reach of your own AirPods and a few Beats models, like these Studio Buds.

They are wireless headphones with active noise cancellation, very effective in addition. With it you can completely isolate yourself from the annoying noises of the office, cars or public transport.

Although Beats is a brand linked to Apple, Your headphones work perfectly on both iOS and Android , so regardless of the device you go on to use, its functions are suitable for any operating system.

There are tons of wireless headphones with ANC that are worthwhile , some of them at really cheap prices, although what clearly makes the difference is the quality of both the cancellation -not all are equally effective- and the sound, as well as the options of customization they offer.

These Beats Studio Buds have They also have free shipping by Amazon whether you have Amazon Prime or not, although if you also have it, your order will arrive much earlier.

That can make you compensate to sign up for Prime’s free trial month , which has no commitment to stay.

In this article, ComputerHoy receives a commission from its affiliate partners for each purchase you make through the product links that we have included, something that in no case represents an additional cost for you. However, our recommendations are always independent and objective. You can check our affiliate policy here .

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