How to participate in the 2023 visa lottery? Details and requirements

As we inform you in due time, next Wednesday enrollment in the United States Diversity Visa Program for the year 2023 (DV-2023) , a process popularly identified as DVlottery, visa lottery , the visa lottery, or the hype, among Cubans. A legal avenue to emigrate to the United States from countries with historically low rates of immigrants.

On this occasion, as reported , the electronic draw will award 55,000 permanent residence cards or green cards, for which those interested They must submit an electronic application in the period between noon on October 6 and November 9.

Today we will refer to some of the eligibility requirements, which, although they are simple, must be followed to the letter in order to qualify for this Department of State program.

To apply to the program, participants must be citizens of certain countries that qualify, those that in the last 5 years have not registered a high number of emigrants to the United States, but also meet certain educational requirements:

The Contestants in DV-2023 cannot come from the following list of countries:

  • Bangladesh
  • Brazil
  • Canada
  • China
  • Colombia
  • Dominican Republic
  • The Savior
  • Haiti
  • Honduras
  • India
  • Jamaica
  • Mexico
  • Nigeria
  • Pakistan
  • Philippines
  • South Korea
  • United Kingdom and its territories of overseas
  • Venezuela
  • Vietnam

    That is, Cubans can apply perfectly to the 2023 visa lottery.

    Regarding the educational requirements, applicants must already have graduate of secondary education or its equivalent; or, failing that, have two years of work experience in a job that requires at least one training for the same period. Those two years of work must have been completed in the last five years (5 years before enrollment).

    How to participate in the visa lottery?

    Applicants will have to send their electronic registration form “E-DV Entry Form” already completed, and with all the information required on the website .

    • Name. You must complete it in the following order: last name, first name, middle name, that is, as it appears in your personal passport.
    • Sex
    • Birthdate. In the following order: day, month and year
    • City of birth
    • Country of birth
    • Nation of eligibility for the DV-2023 program
    • Passport number, country that issued it and the expiration date of the document
    • Recent photograph (both of the applicant, their spouse and children). Please note that the photo meets the requirements of the Department of State
    • Postal address
    • Country of current residence
    • Phone number (optional)
    • Email
    • Highest academic level achieved
    • Current marital status
    • Number of children

    Repeatedly, the authorities of the State Department have warned that it is always recommended that the documents be completed by the same applicant. That is, without a ‘visa consultant’, ‘visa agent’ or other ‘facilitators’ offering to provide the service. This is because the situations in which third parties profit from a procedure that is free by law are quite repeated.

    When are the winners of the 2023 visa lottery known?

    The winners of the DV-2023 will be known through the website of the Department of State Entrant Status Check , in the period from May 8, 2022 to September 30, 2023.

    To find out if they were chosen, each of the eligible candidates must have the unique confirmation number given to them once the electronic form submission process has been completed.

    That is why it is vital that once you complete your registration to the lottery, print and jealously keep the confirmation page, as this document contains said numbering.


    If you are chosen, you will be directed to a confirmation page that indicates the following instructions to follow, including fees related to legal immigration to the United States.

    Also bear in mind that all those selected (that is, the applicant’s relatives are included), must have their visas already issued no later than September 30, 2023, in order to access the green card , resulting in the consular interview.

    I e nteraste with Cuban Directory , the number 1 guide to global information on Cuba . If you liked it, share it with your friends!

    Note: This article have been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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