How to Salvage Your Frayed Charging Cables

Image for article titled How to Salvage Your Frayed Charging Cables

Photo: TaTum2003 (Shutterstock)

Our laptop and phone chargers go through a lot. Some cords tear and fray so easily, it’s almost as if they’re designed to break so you need to replace them at a tidy profit to the manufacturer… huh. Luckily, there are some easy ways to help your cords survive (or recover from) the twists and turns we subject them to daily.

Take preventative measures

The best way to save your chargers is to care for them in the first place. The main rule to keep in mind is that excessive pressure and bending are not great for any cable. Next time you’re about to yank your phone from its charger, consider gently unplugging it from the device instead. Another tip is to avoid using your device while charging it, in order to minimize how much you’re bending and twisting your cords.

Employ some electrical tape

The quickest way to salvage a frayed cable is by wrapping it with non-conductive tape, which can safely wrap around any exposed wires. While not a permanent solution, patching frayed spots with electrical tape can slow whatever breakage has already begun. As long as the wires are still intact, simply straighten the cable and wrap the tape closely and tightly around the base. (Be sure to apply the tape while the cord is unplugged from the wall outlet, since, you know, electrocution.)

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Use heat shrink tubing

Compared to electrical tape, heat shrink tubing is a more secure and longer-lasting repair option. Here’s more information on how to apply shrink wrapping to your cables. The results are so sleek, you might consider using this as a precautionary measure instead of just as damage control.

MacGyver it with a pen spring

Have a broken pen lying around? Repurpose its

organs to protect your cords. All you need to do is roll the spring

onto the cable and slide it to whichever end of your charger experiences the most wear and tear.

If these tips don’t work, then it might be time to upgrade your crappy phone charger to one that will actually last more than a few weeks


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