Huawei CEO Ren Zhengfei Wants to Expand International Recruitment

Ren Zhengfei
(Source: VCG)

On September 28, Huawei released the latest speech by CEO Ren Zhengfei, saying that the company should open its mind and attract the best talent from around the world.

The article mentions that Huawei’s recruitment has been making progress in recent years, and it has primarily focused on recruiting top talent in China. In the past two years, however, the recruitment of overseas employees has been intensified. Now, Huawei is paying more attention to foreign recruitment, offering higher salaries and providing greater financial incentives to overseas research institutes. Huawei wants to attract the best from around the world, especially those who have studied or worked in the United States and Europe, and to relocate to China to work. At the same time, the company plans to build an international staff community in Shanghai.

Ren said: “The company is in a critical stage, and we need to attract the best in the world. We must actively embrace outstanding individuals from different countries and races, and continuously improve our innovation capabilities.”

SEE ALSO: Huawei Will Never Sell Its Smartphone Business: Founder Ren Zhengfei

According to China Securities Journal, Huawei recently attracted a world-class mathematician. IHES reported that French mathematician and 2002 Fields Medal winner, Laurent Lafforgue, recently joined Huawei France.

(Source: IHES)

The Fields Medal is one of the highest international awards in the field of mathematics. Because there is no mathematics prize in the Nobel Prize, the Fields Medal is known as the “Nobel Prize in Mathematics”.

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