Hubble captured a monumentally energetic type of galaxy

NASA/ESA’s Hubble Space Telescope, using its Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3), captured an image of a barred spiral galaxy called NGC 5728. The image beautifully showing the regions of NGC 5728 that are emitting visible and infrared light.

Also known as the Seyfert galaxy, the NCG 5728 is a monumentally energetic type of galaxy. It is located around 130 million light-years from Earth.

Such types of galaxies are powered by their active galactic nuclei (AGNs). There are several types of AGNs, but only a few power Seyfert galaxies.

Like all Seyfert galaxies, the NGC 5728 differs from other galaxies with AGNs because the galaxy itself can be seen clearly.

Credit: NASA & ESA
Music: zero-project – Through the Looking Glass (

NCG 5728, an elegant, luminous, barred spiral galaxy, emits vast amounts of light from its center parts of the electromagnetic spectrum. It may be possible that the AGN at NGC 5728’s emitting some visible and infrared light, but it may be blocked by the dust surrounding the galaxy’s core.

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