Hundreds of Romanians from Spain and Italy, exploited and held in inhumane conditions: “They treated them like slaves.” The case went to court

Friday, 01 October 2021, time 06:00

292 readings

More and more cases in which Romanian workers are subjected to ill-treatment and accommodated in inappropriate conditions are beginning to be published. Two such cases have recently been reported in Spain and Italy.

The Spanish Civil Guard launched “Operation Garlic”, after it was discovered that several Romanian seasonal workers were accommodated in unimaginable conditions. The Romanians were kept in tents and huts in Santa Cruz de la Zarza, and from here they went every day to work on farms dedicated to growing garlic and onions in Vega del Tajo, in places in Madrid such as Villamanrique de Tajo, Fuentidueña de Tajo, Estremera and Colmenar de Oreja. And after being accommodated in the most difficult conditions, the seasonal employees in Romania were exploited and forced to work overtime, until exhaustion, but the overtime was not paid.

The investigation led to an agricultural company headquartered in Las Pedroñeras, Cuenca.

The Mayor of Santa Cruz de la Zarza, Tomás Lorenzo, has decided to take special action against the culprits. At his initiative, in the meeting of the local council it was voted to regulate the accommodation of the Romanian seasonal workers.

The companies considered guilty for the conditions in which the Romanian day laborers live will be fined with 3,000 euros, notes The Tribune of Toledo . “You can’t do that, you can’t accommodate people in warehouses or tents,” the mayor said, according to the quoted source. In parallel, the representatives of the Civil Guard announced that they are investigating a 52-year-old man considered the main culprit in this case.

Criminal case in Italy for those who made fun of

A similar case was reported by the Italian press, where three directors of Mondo Conveninenza, a well-known Italian furniture factory, are accused of operating at the work more Romanians. La Repubblica informs that this case is being investigated and that prosecutor Alessandro Gallo has opened a case against the directors of the company in Settimo Torinese, near Turin.

Romanian workers were treated like slaves and forced to work long hours over the legal schedule. Moreover, they did not have days off and were called to work, including Sundays and public holidays. One of the employees broke the silence and addressed the Police, and the investigation was opened the other day.

“We did not have a fixed schedule, it depended on the number of furniture deliveries we had to make. Every morning, at 6:00, you had to be in the warehouse at Settimo Torinese. Then you worked all day, the last period of time being at 20.30, but before 21.00 or 22.00 you almost never finished “, one of the Romanian employees told the Italians.

The three directors deny but the accusations brought against them and say that they and their company are being discredited.

But the Romanian workers do not let themselves be intimidated and say that they will continue their approach in justice. However, the Romanian workers turned to a lawyer who explained the crime committed by the representatives of the furniture company. Represented by lawyer Caterina Biafora, Romanians want justice and say they have simply been humiliated and forced to work like slaves.

“The exploitation of labor is an extremely serious crime and must be let us fight for the judges to take the necessary measures when this is found. The behaviors complained of by my clients are very serious. Some have not only been exploited, but also exposed to working conditions that affect their physical and mental health. They treated them like slaves, “the lawyer pointed out. imprisonment for two to three years. And that’s not all. Romanian employees in trial with the factory representatives say that they will demand moral damages for the way they were treated, and the compensations can reach amounts with many zeros in the queue.

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