I gave birth! “Nong Talay”, the first son, “Koi-Toon”, fans flock to congratulate

I gave birth! “Nong Talay” First son “Koi-Toon” Friends in the industry Fans flock to congratulate them

the wait is over. For the young singer “Toon Artiwara Kongmalai” or “Toon Bodyslam” after “ Koi Ratchawin” beautiful young wife Has given birth to his first son on October 5, 2021 with a cute name “Nong Talay”

by the Facebook page of “Koi Ratchawin” and the Facebook page “Koi-Toon Family”. Came out to post to inform the good news that… “Nong Talay” October 5, 2021 amid the joy of people in the entertainment industry and fans joined in a lot of congratulations

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