Ihan: Not every dramatic article means a dramatic change to #video

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Authors: KM, VIDEO: Planet TV

“I take this award as some attention for what I have been doing for years and of course I am doing it out of joy. I feel the need to actualize the scientific part of the life I live in the wider community. It is essential that science understands the community. Now it is the other way around. , “commented clinical microbiologist and immunologist Alojz Ihan upon receiving the title of Communicator of Science for 2021, awarded by the Slovenian Science Foundation. He also emphasized that the public was reacting too hastily to the published findings, and estimated that it might be better if science and politics acted separately during the epidemic.

In the epidemic, there are unnatural confrontations between science and society and the profession and society. Scientists exchange their experiments and rarely does something so important happen that also interests society. At the moment, however, it is disturbing that society is eager for what the latest scientific paper has reported on the virus, and so many hasty interpretations are emerging.

“It is largely with healthy It should be made clear that every article that publishes something dramatic does not mean that the life of society will change so dramatically, “Ihan added . .

He also said that the public was aware of only some segments of the dialogue between the profession and science. , but today the public is so interested in the epidemic that at the same time the development of science and the changing rules of the profession affected by science are alive. This causes confusion. “People experience an article even before the profession gives an unequivocal opinion,” says Ihan.

We can say that it would be better for Slovenians to feel about the profession and politics if they the profession was separated from political decision-making. This would also make it easier for politicians. This excessive merging of politics and profession, however, creates excessive polarization, he concluded.

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