“I'll buy it even if I wait a year”… Volvo XC60 worked out 'unknown'


ü Ų ݵ ü 6 ⺻ ̰ 1 ٷ ִ XC60 Ǵ ٽ ϳ´.

ڵڸ (ǥ) XC60 19Ϻ εѴ ٰ 5.

XC60 14 ƴ. 2 2000 ߴ. ó ̴.

XC60 2009 ù õ ̾ SUV. ر ۷ι Ǹ 168 ̻ Ʈī.

޸-, BMW ̾ 귣 尡 SUV ¼ ̾ 귣 ġ ǥ SUV.

̱ Ŀ (б Ŭ ϱ ִ) α⸦. ” ‘ڳ’ ֿ 켱 ġ ˾ ̴.

2017 õ 2, ü, Ŭ ǰ, ÷ ‘ī (World Car of the Year) ‘ߴ.

6 ̻, δ 1 ٷ α⸦ ִ. “1 ٸڴ”.



4 ̴ ο, ĿƼƼ Ű, ο ߴ ߴ. Ȭ Ʈ ȭ SUV ߴ.

ܰ ‘丣 ġ’ Ҹ LED Ʈ ڽ Ű ġ Ÿϸ ߴ. 6 ߴ ߴ.

3D ̾ũ ׸, ο ũ, ü ϴ ũ, ˷ ٷ ߴ.

ȭ ¡ϴ Ʈ ̱Ʈ ʵ ߴ.

׸ ΰ ߽ ö ݿ Ÿ Ÿ ߱ߴ. ߴ 縦 ϰ Ǽ ߴ.

ġ ϴ 12.3ġ ÷ ׷ ȵ ׷̵ ߴ.


XC60 θƮ

ѱ Ƽ Ƽ 300 SKT θƮ 񽺵 Ѵ .

̼ Ƽʰ ΰ (AI) ÷, (NUGU), ÷, ÷ (FLO) · ȭ ĿƼƼ 񽺸 Ѵ. ÷ (HUD) Ƽ ϴ Ȯ ִ.

ȿ “Ƹ” θ dz µ, Ʈ, ̿, ֺ ȳ ̼ 㽺 Ʈ ó ȭ, ̿ õ, ÷ ̸Ʈ θƮ 㳯,, Ž,, κûұ Ʈ ִ (NUGU) ƮȨ ̿ ִ.

Ű ְ 5 LTE ÷ (FLO) 1 ̿ Ե ƴ.

µ Ʈ ̿ ִ ‘ī (Volvo Cars app)’ ޴´.

ַ Ǹ Ʈ νũ ũŻ, ̿ Ŀ ٿ Ų ̾ ý ⺻ ߴ.

ʹ̼ ȭϴ 꽺 û⸦ Ŭ ׸ Ű ⸦ ߻ ۿ ̿ Ӱ ߰ߴ.


” Ű ״. ̴ (Radar) ī ޶, ֽ ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) ÷ ž ߴ.

Ȯ ó ֵ 彯 ܿ ġ ̴ + ī ޶ и, ̴ٸ ׸ ̾ ũ ״. ϴ м óϴ ASDM (Active Safety Domain Master) ĸη ġ ߴ.

̳, ̿ڸ 浹 ϴ Ƽ Ƽ, ϸ ߾ ӿ ϴ Ϸ ýƮ, Ż ȭ , 浹 ȸ ÷ ⺻ Ѵ.浹 Ǹ ڵ ϴ Ƽ 극 ũ ߰ߴ.

ð Ȳ ߻ ư ϳ 24ð ⵿ û, 񽺼 ȳ ϴ ‘(Volvo on Call ) ‘񽺵 Ѵ.

÷ 塤 ÷ HV 3

XC60 T8

XC60 ĿƮ 3 ƴ. 긮 ϵ ̺ 긮 (HV) B5 B6, ÷ ̺ 긮 T8̴. ⿡ 8 ӱ ӱ, (AWD) ý ߴ.

B5 ָ ϵ ̺ 긮 ̴. ְ 250 (5700rpm), ũ ũ 35.7kgm (1800 ~ 4800rpm).

̸ B6 ְ 300 (5400rpm), ũ ũ 42.8kgm (2100 ~ 4800rpm) ̴ . ι (¿ü 100km ޽ ð) 6.2 ~ 6.7ʴ.

÷ ̺ 긮 T8 Ʈ ͺ 4 4 ָ 65kW, 11.8kWh Ƭ̿ ͸ ƴ.

ְ 405 (ָ 318+ 87), ũ ũ 40.8kgm (2200 ~ 5400rpm) Ѵ. 1ȸ ִ 33km ִ.



Ǹ Ʈ ܰ dz , , ׸ , Ʈ Ÿ, ٿ&Ų ̾ ý, 360 ī޶ Ϻ 翡 5 еȴ.

ְ 5 Ǵ 10km Ⱓ Ҹǰ ȯ 񽺵 ⺻ ޴´.

B5 6190, B5 νũ 6800, B6 R- () 6900, B6 νũ 7200, T8 νũ 8370̴.

[ֱ⼺ Ű ][ ϰ & mk.co.kr, ]

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