'In the Emperor's Times': Teresa orders Pedro to make Luisa's bastard disappear

In the next chapters of ‘In the Times of the Emperor‘, Teresa will put pressure on the protagonist not to assume Luísa’s son so as not to damage his image before the people and resemble his father, who had the reputation of being a womanizer, which caused his government to be marred by scandals.

Pedro reflects on Luísa’s pregnancy in ‘Nos Tempos do Imperador’

The noblewoman will give an indirect to her husband when watching him reminisce about his father’s story with Domitilla, with whom he had some daughters out of wedlock. Angered at the possibility that he tarnishes the royal family’s image with his extramarital affair, she will point out that the best thing for the entire kingdom is for the boy to be kept in the shadows, something that was quite common among the descendants of nobles who were not considered of the “royal lineage”.

The monarch will keep some of his father’s letters and the ribbon bows of his stepsisters inside a music box, returning to admire the memories after the countess has told her that she is pregnant and about to return to Bahia to have her pregnancy in peace and away from everyone, not raising suspicions.

Teresa tries to make her husband’s head in ‘Nos Tempos do Imperador’

Teresa will surprise her husband in scenes scheduled to air next Saturday (02), interrupting the moment of thoughts of the beloved. She will question what he is seeing and he will point out that he is seeing memories of his sisters, Isabel and Maria.

She will nod, pointing out that these are Domitila’s bastards. The emperor will scold, pointing out that he doesn’t like his wife to refer to both of them in this way.

Teresa will counter, pointing out that that’s what the two are, recalling that the two are her father’s lovers, even pointing out that the lover transformed Leopoldina’s life into a horror. that the emperor’s mother died of grief, referring to the tragic end she had and which New World chose not to show, bringing a tragic end to Domitilla when, in fact, she stayed with the emperor until he married a second time and he never left her, even with his wife’s pleas.

Pedro refuses to keep his son away in ‘In the Times of the Emperor’

Pedro will not like his sister’s tone at all and will point out that the two are not to blame for anything and are different from their mother, pointing out that all of Dom Pedro 1º’s children got along well, because they knew who were loved in the same way by their father in their heart, although the two were not legally recognized in the line of succession.

Teresa will imply that she already knows about her rival’s pregnancy , asking him not to respond ita the same mistakes of the father, pointing out that Pedro’s relationship with Domitila tarnished the family’s reputation in the eyes of the people and also in other countries, since she did not bother to hide. She will be filled with courage and will again point out that the best thing is for the child’s existence to be ignored.


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