In the Land of Leadale Episode 8 Release Date, Speculation, Watch Online

Cayna meets Lonti and Mye in episode 8 of In the Land of Leadale titled “ Bear Hunting, a Queen, a Bath, and Monsters.” They embark on a journey to hunt a bear.

We got to witness a fun adventure and fell in love with the little fairy as we saw her imitating Cayna again. Knowing her power level, the quest was no big deal for Cayna. What dominated the episode was Lonti and Mye, for we come to know about Mye’s origin and what they are seeking today.

Two new players were also introduced to us and each other. They were elated to find another player as they didn’t expect to meet someone from their own world. This sudden reunion does help progress the plot further as we hope to meet more players to show up.

By the end of the episode, professor Lopus accidentally gave rise to a new threat, and it’s a dangerous one from the looks of it.

As we wait for Cayna to easily defeat the monster in the next episode, here are the latest updates.

Episode 8 Speculations

Cayna will probably fight the new monster in episode 8 of In the Land of Leadale titled “Battle, Victory, Conversation, and Information.”

We will see more than just the battle in the next episode by the title and preview. Cayna is going to meet the two players introduced in episode 7, and hopefully, they will have a peaceful discussion about the game and their journey in this world.

Finally, we are going to witness the much-awaited reunion, as Cayna and Mei-Mei are going to meet in the next episode. Cayna has wanted to meet her for quite some time, and now that she will finally meet her, we don’t know what will happen to the poor Mei-Mei.

Episode 8 Release Date

Episode 8 of the In the Land of Leadale anime, titled “Battle, Victory, Conversation, and Information”, will be released on Wednesday, Feb 23, 2022.

1. Is The Land of Leadale on break this week?

No, episode 8 of In the Land of Leadale is not on break this week. The episode will be released as scheduled.

Episode 7 Recap

Cayna returns to Felskeilo with Kartatz accompanying them. Kartatz was given the responsibility to rebuild the bridge, which saved Cayna from using her magic to carry the crew. Kartatz also gained some patting on the head, thanks to the bridge he built.

Eliner and Arbiter thank her for helping them and pay her the sum for her service. She goes to the adventures guild to go on a new quest as she doesn’t have much to do.

She decides to go on horned bear meat hunting for the White-Tailed Black Rabbit. White-tailed is a high-end restaurant where Skargo, Mai-Mai, and Kartatz eat together.

She is met by Lonti, who is accompanied by a lady. Lonti introduces Mye, a friend from the academy, to Cayna. She asks Cayna to allow them to accompany her for a while. Cayna asks the reason for this sudden request. Mye tells her that Lonti wants someone reliable who can be Mye’s bodyguard.

Cayna finds out that Mye is a runaway but promises not to report her to anyone. She tells them that she is going on a quest and it will be better for them to be outside the town.

They move ahead with her to a forest where Cayna asks some trees to bend away to give them space to walk. They readily agree and bend themselves.

Cayna lays the camp in the forest at night. Mye and Lonti are scared of Cerberwoof, whom Cayna summoned to guard them for the night. After a delicious meal, Cayna creates a mini-hot spring with some magic for them to relax a bit.

Cayna comes to know that Mye knows Skargo, and Mye has a crush on him. Mye is revealed to be a princess. Mye asks whether she has any problem if they start a courtship, to which Cayna replies that she has no intention of getting in their way.

After the bath, Cayna summons a white dragon to rest for the night and discuss the academy and Primo with the duo. She easily defeats the bear and gets ready to return the following day.

At the adventures guild, a knight shows up to gather information about a certain someone. A guard recognizes him as the Shining Saber from Silver Moon Horsemen Guild, and it is revealed that both of them are players.

They are delighted to meet one another. The guard tells Saber that it has been ten years since he came here, and it is the first time he has met someone from their world. Saber tells him that he appeared here three years ago, and he too has met a player for the first time.

In his lab, professor Lopus is trying to recreate the potion made by Cayna but fails every time. This time as well, the experiment failed. He goes out and dumps the chemical into a pile of junk in his garden.

Suddenly due to some reactions, a huge monster is summoned because of the chemical, and he begins to wreak havoc in the town.

Watch In the Land of Leadale on:

  • Watch On Crunchyroll

About In the Land of Leadale

In the Land of Lealand is a light novel series serialized on the Let’s Become Novelists website from 2010 to 2012. It is soon to get an anime adaptation.

Cayna is involved in a major accident and dies when her life support machine at the hospital fails. She wakes up in a familiar world that she recognizes as the VR world from a game that she used to play.

Two hundred years since that time has passed, and she is reincarnated as a high elf. She is determined to get to the roots of this mystery.

Originally Written By Epic Dope

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