In Ukraine, a court sentenced a doctor for forging COVID certificates

In Pavlograd, Dnipropetrovsk region, a court sentenced a doctor for forging COVID certificates, the press service of the Ministry of Health reported.

“According to the National Police, a doctor from Pavlograd, Dnipropetrovsk region received a fine of UAH 34,000 and deprivation of the right to work in the specialty for one year. Also last week, 13 searches were conducted and 12 criminal proceedings were initiated, “the statement reads.

In addition, the Ministry of Health noted that last week a complaint was sent to the owners of health care facilities. I demand to remove the management of 15 hospitals whose doctors forged COVID vaccination certificates.

September 22 the government approved the draft law “On Amendments to the Criminal Code of Ukraine on Establishing Responsibility for Forgery of Documents Relating to Preventive Vaccinations” developed by the Ministry of Health, which proposes to strengthen the responsibility for forgery of documents related to vaccination against COVID-19. The bill was submitted for registration to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

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