In Vilhena, farmers fall into a coup and lose a truck valued at R$ 45,000

Photos: disclosure

According to the woman, her husband put a silver-colored S10 pickup truck with JXM-3B12 plates for sale on Facebook and soon received a call from a man stating that he was interested in the vehicle.

Declaring not to reside in the city, the scammer reported that he would send his son to evaluate the vehicle and the meeting was arranged in the courtyard of the Havan store, in Vilhena. After showing the vehicle to the young man, aged around 20, the victims agreed the amount of R$ 43,000 and signed the paperwork delivering the truck to the buyer, after receiving a deposit slip. But 3 days later, the victims discovered that the deposit slip was false and that the address provided by the swindler who claimed to be from the municipality of Chupinguaia, does not exist . In view of the facts, the couple sought the Civ Police Station il and denounced the case and disclosed the images they made for the truck’s advertisement, so that it can be recovered. Anyone who has any information about the vehicle’s whereabouts just contact the Military Police at 190 or the owners by phone at (69) 9914-9303 / (69) 99victim17.

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