Indehoi Indehoi Heart Together with Popsicles, these PSK mothers' motorbikes are actually stolen

Friday, 07 January 2022 – 05:59 WIB

Illustration of female sex workers being abused and their motorbikes being taken with popcorn. Graphics: Rahayuning Putri Utami/, KUTA – The fate of these mothers who work as commercial sex workers (CSWs) is really unlucky.

From, YS (37) initially wanted to date a popcorn with the initials EA (21).

Unfortunately, he lost his NMAX motorbike.

YS’s motorbike was forcibly taken by the popcorn on Jalan Raya Kuta, Badung, Bali, Tuesday (4/1) evening, at 23.00 WITA

The unfortunate incident began when the victim YS peddled himself on the spot. The incident started at 22.00 WITA.

While waiting for the customer to arrive, the victim sat on the motorbike he was driving looking for a masher.

Not long after, a popcorn with the initials ES came, from Kupang, NTT.

Without many words, the perpetrator asked for a date.

Indehoi heart with a popcorn, the motorbikes of these prostitutes were stolen in the middle of the road.

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