Infrastructure: US House of Representatives postpones vote on infrastructure package

Actually, a decision should still be made in the evening. However, there are still disagreements with the Democrat. The package is worth a trillion dollars.

Man sei einer Einigung näher als je zuvor, sagt die Vorsitzende des Repräsentantenhauses. Quelle: dpa

Nancy Pelosi

One is closer to an agreement than ever before, says the chairwoman of the House of Representatives. (Photo: dpa)

Washington The decision on a US President Joe Biden initiated infrastructure package worth a trillion dollars is delayed. The Democratic Chairperson of the US House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi , have postponed the vote planned for this Thursday by one day, as US media reported on late Thursday evening (local time). The reason for this are disagreements in the ranks of the Democrats. An agreement is closer than ever, said White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki late Thursday evening. “But we’re not there yet, and that’s why we need a little more time to complete the work.” They now want to continue on Friday. The infrastructure package with which roads, bridges and other transport and energy networks in the USA should be modernized, passed the Senate in August after long negotiations – with the support of Republicans . The final vote of the House of Representatives is still missing. In total, including previously budgeted funds, the package is worth more than a trillion dollars. Biden had also initiated a second package to expand social benefits in the country. For example, he wants to invest more in education and childcare, support families more and give them tax relief and take money into the fight against the climate crisis. This package is worth $ 3.5 trillion, also spread over several years.

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    Trillions for the political turnaround? Joe Biden threatens his first big defeat

    • dpa

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