Ingamaj, 89, afraid of staff: “Want vaccine compulsion”

Ingamaj Haroldson, 89, lives in a nursing home and is afraid of the staff.

She believes that there should be a vaccine requirement for everyone who takes care of the elderly.

– You get scared. Last night there was someone who would help me who was not vaccinated, says Ingamaj.

After a long period of low death rates among old people The coronavirus has started to reap more lives in the country’s nursing homes.

Two thirds of all those who died in covid-19 were older in special housing for a week in mid-September and state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell then stated that the infection is often spread by staff, reported Swedish Radio on September 23 .

At the same time, covid-19 harvested eight lives in one nursing home in Överkalix. Seven of the eight old people who died were double-vaccinated.

The municipality could not guarantee that the staff did not spread the infection:

– We know that among the staff, the willingness to vaccinate has been very good, but as an employer we can not demand information about how individual employees have chosen to do, Överkalix municipality wrote on its website.

Ingamaj Haroldson, 89, wants the staff to be forcibly vaccinated. Photo: PETER WIXTRÖM

Many older people are now worried about the country’s special housing. One of them is Ingamaj Haroldson, 89, who lives in a nursing home in Gothenburg and himself worked as a nurse for 44 years.

– It is terrible that many elderly people die again, and that depends on staff not being vaccinated. I asked someone who would help me no later than yesterday if she was vaccinated, she answered no. Often it is foreign substitutes who have not been vaccinated. One was scared, another said it had not happened, says Ingamaj.

“Should be a law for staff to be vaccinated” should be obvious that all staff in the elderly and medical care are vaccinated:

– I do not understand why there is no law on this. A disease is spreading all over the world and we, the elderly, must be taken care of by people who are not vaccinated. I think that is completely crazy, says Ingamaj.

She thinks that the unvaccinated should not get a job:

– I do not understand how managers can hire those who are not vaccinated. I spoke to a manager yesterday, she said “I can do nothing about this”. Then I said that “then you can talk to the government. She replied “yes, that would be good”, says Ingamaj.

She finds it extra worrying that so many of the elderly who recently died in a nursing home in Överkalix were double vaccinated:

– You get scared when you hear it, you understand that two syringes are not enough.

Ingamaj Haroldson is afraid that the infection will spread to her ward. Photo: PETER WIXTRÖM

At Ingamaj’s nursing home, the corona infection has spread to one ward, but not to hers:

– It is feared that the staff guarding that ward may have to help in other wards where the healthy live. It feels unpleasant when you know that they have been there, she says.

Ingamaj Haroldson himself was very careful with hygiene during all his years as a nurse. She believes that the staff at the nursing home, but also at the hospital she has been to, do not take hygiene seriously enough.

– They would like to blame themselves. If I say “I saw that you did not wash”, then they answer that “yes, but I did it before”, says Ingamaj Haroldson.

Elisabet Lann (KD), Chairman of the Gothenburg Elderly and Health and Care Committee, states that it is very important that the elderly now receive a third injection and says:

– I fully understand Ingamaj’s concerns. I get upset when employees ignore vaccination – unless there are medical reasons – and actually put caregivers at risk.

Ingamaj thinks that unvaccinated people should not be allowed to work in nursing homes?

– There is no legal support to take find out, but if someone says “I have not been vaccinated”, then as a recruiting manager I would not hire that person, says Lann.

She also thinks that if it If it appears that employees are unvaccinated, they should be reassigned to tasks where they have less contact with the elderly, such as cleaning. However, she does not believe in vaccine compulsion for staff, given that the constitution gives everyone the right to avoid physical intervention.


Published: 03 October 2021 at 13.29

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