Inside loved-up Louise Redknapp’s luxury ski trip with new boyfriend Drew

Louise Redknapp is living her best life with her boyfriend Drew and friends on a skiing holiday – the 49 year old has been updating her fans on the trip via social media

Louise Redknapp is currently enjoying a lavish ski holiday with her new boyfriend Drew, and some of their pals. The 49 year old has shared a series of snaps to her Instagram of the getaway so far, and it’s easy to see how loved up she looks.

Louise was first spotted with Drew, whose real name is Andrew Michael, in September last year as they left The Groucho Club in Soho, London together after Jimmy Carr’s 51st birthday party.

Since then, Louise has included her new beau in a number of Instagram posts – including this latest one – which has given fans a slight insight into their relationship.

From sweet selfies of the couple in their skiing attire to snaps of Louise relaxing with a gin and tonic in the sunshine, the surroundings of the resort look pretty lavish, too.

So, let’s take a look inside Louise, Drew and friends’ winter holiday…

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