INSS extends pilot project of targets to reduce waiting list

The goal is to improve service at the service stations
Wednesday, September 29, 2021 – 10:15

The National Institute of Social Security (INSS) extended, until October 31, the pilot experience of the On-site Service Management Program (PGAP), in which civil servants work by goals. Ordinance No. 1.358/2021 was published today (29) in Official Gazette.

The objective is to improve service and reduce the waiting lines of policyholders by granting or reviewing benefits. According to the INSS, there are more than 500,000 applications per month that cover various benefits, such as pension for death, retirement, temporary incapacity and others.

The pilot project started on July 1st with a duration of 60 days, it was extended in August and it would end tomorrow (30). At the end of the experience, a management committee will carry out the assessment and then decide on the expansion to the national level.

Personal assistance

Daily goals can be met with face-to-face service to the public or with complementing tasks analyzed in the administrative part of the Social Security agencies.

Servers have the option to choose how they prefer to act. Those who do not want to work with the eight-hour daily schedule can change the journey for productivity, with service goals, scores and tasks, and thus are exempt from frequency control.

However, these servers cannot be absent from the service, even reaching the goal, as long as there is an insured person to meet and there is no sufficient number of civil servants to ensure compliance with public service at INSS posts.

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