Instagram getting rid of IGTV

Washington: Photo-video sharing social networking service Instagram has finally acknowledged that IGTV, its first big push into video, didn’t pan out.

According to The Verge, on Tuesday, the company will be rebranding IGTV as ‘Instagram TV’, and it’s also getting rid of the exclusive IGTV video format.

Videos posted to the main Instagram feed can now run up to 60 minutes long, a length previously reserved for IGTV videos, and users no longer have to leave the main app to view them.

A spokesperson for Instagram said that the IGTV app, now called the Instagram TV app, will remain as a “destination for people to visit with the intent of watching video.”

IGTV was introduced in June 2018 and was essentially meant to become a mobile equivalent to YouTube, creating a space to discover and watch longer videos. But the longer format never caught on and just two months later, an app called TikTok launched in the US.

Instagram has since refocused its video efforts on rivalling TikTok with its short video format Reels, which was launched in August 2020, and
Instagram has aggressively pushed forward with them, giving them a central spot in the app’s navigation, starting to sell ads, and cross-posting them into Facebook’s News Feed.

As per The Verge, Reels still has one major shortcoming though, it doesn’t offer a consistent way for creators to get paid out, as YouTube and TikTok do. Facebook plans to pay USD 1 billion to creators by the end of 2022.

Some of that money has gone to Reels creators, but it’s not a dedicated system for video-makers to get paid, which is always a good way to encourage people to make things on your app.

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