Instagram is satisfied with IGTV and allows up to 60 minutes of regular videos

انستجرام تكتفي من IGTV وتسمح بمدة تصل 60 دقيقة لمقاطع الفيديو العادية

Years ago, Instagram launched a feature that allowed adding long videos to the platform in a different way. It was called IGTV with the aim of counteracting services such as YouTube, but since then it has been trying hard to make it of interest to users like other advantages Seemingly useless. The company decided to say goodbye indirectly by renaming it Instagram TV instead of IGTV The videos were left in a different view for users to watch when they wanted, while the regular clips were raised to 60 minutes – a length that was only available for IGTV clips. This change is a positive step for users in most cases, as the videos will be available to watch fully within the home page and they will not need to run full screen and exit to another interface to complete the videos, and it will provide More flexibility for content creators to produce clips the way they want and get more views Including being on the timeline constantly. Unlike IGTV, Reels’ clips were more popular when they were released and had more attendance. Strong in light of Instagram’s pursuit to confront the Tik Tok application, which is what it will probably focus on more in the coming period by changing the mechanism of making long clips. The Instagram platform and other Facebook applications, including WhatsApp, had all stopped working for up to 6 hours due to a glitch about which

Facebook said “changes In Network Configuration”.


The Verge

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