Interview with the head of the ice hockey league – “We're playing playoffs in sold-out stadiums” | Basler newspaper

Despite the flood of Omikron cases and canceled games, Denis Vaucher, Director of the National League, sees the light at the end of the tunnel.

Simon Graf

Volle Fankurven wie hier am 20. Dezember 2021 in Freiburg: So soll es auch im Playoff aussehen.

Full fan curves like here on December 20th 2021 in Freiburg: This is how it should look in the playoff.

Photo: Alessandro della Valle (Keystone)

How do you feel about your cell phone these days?

Actually no different than usual. We have been in crisis mode for two years. Of course, it’s crazy when we keep having to cancel games. But sport is only a reflection of society, it affects everyone.

There was no game on Tuesday. Does it even make sense at the moment to keep trying?

Es makes sense, absolutely! We have to keep the game going. From a sporting as well as an economic point of view. An interruption would be fatal. We still have to train, especially since the national team is flying to the Olympics in four weeks. We can’t just pull the plug. And we have economic obligations to the fans, sponsors and the media. We cannot admit defeat to Omikron. We have to win this fight. And because of the Olympic break and the World Cup, we have zero leeway for postponements this season. Every game played is, so to speak, won.

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