Intimidation of journalists is a current topic in Slovakia, says Kolíková

The Minister of Justice took part in the meeting of the Ministers of Justice of the EU countries

7. Oct 2021 at 16:26 SITA

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BRATISLAVA. Intimidation of journalists is a very topical issue in Slovakia.

This was said by the Minister of Justice Mária Kolíková (nom. SaS), who took part in the meeting of the Ministers of Justice of the European Union (EU) in Luxembourg

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One of the topics of the EU Council in Luxembourg was the protection of journalists, namely how to deal with disputes that are against journalists. Initiative material on this topic was prepared by European Commissioner Věra Jourová.

The Minister of Justice informed her on her social network profile.

I am very much looking forward to the debate on this material. I think that this is also a very topical issue for Slovakia, when we are dealing with intimidation of journalists and we still have not finished the court proceedings regarding the derivation of criminal liability, which is related to the murder of Ján Kuciak and his fiancée, “said Kolíková.

She also stated that the Council of Ministers also discussed detention, in particular the procedural and material conditions of detention and the time limits associated with detention.

“It is this, in turn, is an initiative by Commissioner Reynders. I am looking forward to talking about whether it is appropriate for there to be a concept from the European level, which should lead to harmonization on these topics as well. I think so, and I look forward to the debate on that, “concluded the Slovak head of the Ministry of Justice.

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