Italy: Refugees renovate three cemeteries in Genoa

Forty refugees from Africa and Pakistan in Italy will renovate three cemeteries in Genoa through April 2022. The work is part of the EU-funded ‘LGNet Emergency Assistance’ project, and Genoa is the first Italian city involved.

The project aims to improve quality of life and social well-being through migrants’ civic commitment in areas with a high presence of foreign citizens who have not yet reached a sufficient level of integration.

Forty young people between the ages of 20 and 30 who have already been granted refugee status are reportedly participating in the project in Genoa.

They will receive a contribution of €250 per month for six months, for a weekly commitment of a maximum of 15 hours each, distributed over five days.

The young men have tutors, and have begun to clean up and renovate three Genoese cemeteries in the Cesino, Pegli and Sestri Ponente areas.

Six of them have already received a specific job grant aimed at their full integration.

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