Jaguar in Nitra increases wages and social benefits for employees

The Nitra carmaker currently employs almost 4,000 people

The carmaker Jaguar Land Rover in Nitra has been increasing the tariff wages of production employees since the beginning of October in accordance with the agreed collective agreement. The new salary starts depending on the job classification from 955 to 1440 euros. The average salary of production employees will thus be in the range of 1235 to 2080 euros, including the 13th salary, monthly production bonus, competency surcharge and transport allowance, said Russell Leslie, CEO of Jaguar Land Rover Slovakia. One of the largest employers in Slovakia provides employees with 13th salary, overtime pay, weekends and night work beyond the law, a monthly production bonus of up to 15 percent of salary, competency surcharge, free bus transport or employer’s transport contribution, supplementary pension contribution savings. It pays full life and accident insurance, provides an annual contribution of 300 euros for relaxation or leisure and educational activities. From October 1, the company, on the basis of a collective agreement, increases the allowance for employees at the birth or adoption of a child to EUR 500, as well as allowances to support employees if they find themselves in unexpected or critical life situations. These will range from 350 to 1000 euros, depending on the type of event. The Nitra carmaker started production in October 2018. After the recruitment campaign, which it launched in April this year, it currently employs almost 4,000 people. The plant produces Land Rover Discovery and Land Rover Defender models in Nitra.

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