JAL, lounge beef curry resale specifications remain unchanged

JALUX (2729), which operates the online shopping site “JAL Shopping” of Japan Airlines (JAL / JL, 9201), offers “JAL special original beef” at the international lounges of both Haneda and Narita airports. Sales of “Curry” resumed on January 13th. It will end as soon as the stock runs out.

JAL special original beef curry=PHOTO: Tadayuki YOSHIKAWA / Aviation Wire

1kg x 2 bags sold for 6800 yen (tax and shipping included). One bag is equivalent to 5 servings of 200g of retort curry. The size of each bag is about 27 cm x 19 cm x height 2 cm, and the frozen curry actually used in the lounge arrives as it is.

In the product reviews on this site, there are some opinions that the curry specifications may be different from before, such as “hard meat” and “a lot of fat” after July 2021. Has been done.

According to JALUX, similar inquiries have been received by phone or e-mail, but “the specifications are as usual without any changes in raw materials or manufacturing processes.” “Although there are individual differences in beef, we will take the comments from our customers seriously and strive to provide something that is even more satisfying.”

JAL will be shopping for beef curry from August 27th to November 30th in 2020, when international flights will be suspended due to the impact of the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19). Sold at. It was the first time that JAL had widely sold this curry in-house. After that, it has been sold irregularly since April 2021 as long as it is in stock, but after July it was made possible to sell it about once a month.

Related Links
JAL special original beef curry
Japan Airlines

How many servings of 1kg of JAL Lounge special beef curry came to our house? (September 10, 2008) JAL restaurant Narita, CA offers in-flight meals (November 12, 2008) )
JAL Lounge Beef Curry, first restaurant offer “Gourmet Crane” near Narita Airport (June 12, 2008)

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