Jane Fonda to be honoured with humanitarian award by Women In Film

Jane Fonda will be honoured with the first-ever humanitarian award from Women In Film (WIF), the group has said.

The actress and activist, 83, is being recognised for “the rare feat of being an icon in the worlds of activism and storytelling”, WIF said.

And the group’s humanitarian award will be named in Fonda’s honour.

The Graham Norton Show

Jane Fonda will be honoured with the humanitarian award from Women In Film (PA)

WIF executive director Kirsten Schaffer said: “Jane Fonda has spent her entire career as a fearless advocate for people and the planet.

“No matter what the cost to her career or even her individual safety, she has put the needs of social justice ahead of her own; finding meaning and purpose, friendship and community in the pursuit of a better world.

“She has led by example, and we couldn’t be prouder to name our humanitarian award after her.”

Two-time Oscar-winner Fonda – whose best-known film roles include Klute, Coming Home and On Golden Pond – was one of the main figures of the 1960s counterculture movement and staunchly opposed the Vietnam War.

She has recently dedicated her time to raising awareness of climate change.

Book Launch – Jane Fonda – Waterstone’s – Picadilly

Hollywood star Jane Fonda has dedicated her life to charitable causes close to her heart (PA)

Fonda will be honoured at a ceremony at the newly opened Academy Museum of Motion Pictures in Los Angeles on October 6.

Other honourees include Joker actress Zazie Beetz, who will receive WIF’s Max Mara face of the future award.

And receiving crystal awards are Zendaya, Marlee Matlin, Sian Heder, Jean Smart, Hannah Einbinder and Ashley Levinson.

Comedian Jenny Yang will host the event.

WIF was founded in 1973 to help further the careers of women in the screen industries.

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