Jen Psaki says the ‘sporadic congestion and blockages’ in Canada are NOT related to vaccine mandates

As Twitchy reported Monday night, traffic was shut down in both directions on the Ambassador Bridge between Detroit and Windsor, Ontario. It seems that a whole lot of trucks were responsible for the shutdown. “People I spoke with say they don’t plan on leaving tonight and that they’re here because of the vaccine mandates,” said a reporter from the CBC.

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki was asked about the truckers Tuesday and noted that the “sporadic congestion” was not related to vaccine mandates.


“We of course support, as you know, the right to freedom of speech and protest, but while we do see some of these congestions due to protests, it is clear that those disruptions have broadened in scope beyond the vaccine requirement implementation.”

— (@townhallcom) February 8, 2022

Psaki tries and fails miserably at gaslighting on hero Canadian truckers— dismissing their MASSIVE protest as “sporadic congestion and blockages” and “not related” to the vaccine mandate

They think you’re stupid.

— Danny De Urbina (@dannydeurbina) February 8, 2022

She’s reading off a cue card

— WiZecraX (@wizecrax) February 8, 2022

She turned to her page of talking points, and its pretty clear that she spent a lot of time writing misdirection and misleading statements, if not outright disinformation and lying.

— MJ 🇺🇸 (@mjrod) February 8, 2022

Funny how she had her notes already prepared for the pre-screened question from a “reporter”.

— Thomas Barrett (@barretto724) February 8, 2022

She’s really good at not answering the question and distracting us with fluff that makes no sense

— LsuNurse (@kajunfires) February 8, 2022

“not related to vaccine mandates”

— La Flama Blanca (@soxallday15) February 8, 2022

She’s right that they’re sporadic congestions and blockages – the truckers have taken care to keep safe distance from intersections and allow throughput for emergency vehicles

They ARE about the mandates, though

— Captain Convincey (@CPT_Convincey) February 8, 2022

She is afraid it will catch on here.

— SemperFi1775🍊 (@PsychobabbleC) February 8, 2022

Every day, more lies. Right in our faces.

— codename: bishop (@fakenewsmuch) February 8, 2022

Whoever thought of this “response” should be fired.

She lies badly. To put her in a position where the lie is so laughably blatant is awful strategy.

We all know what the protests are about.

— A Fateful Haven (@FatefulHaven) February 8, 2022

We say it’s not happening so what you see with your own two eyes is incorrect.

— kimba (@Born_Free71) February 8, 2022

Prove it. Drop the mandate and see if they disperse.

— c’mon Brandon (@JeffHJR87) February 8, 2022

Good plan.

Hey, @PressSec, you’re either wildly misinformed or straight up lying. What’s your problem?

— 🇺🇸Silicon Valley are CCP Bitches🇺🇸 (@tweet_Harding) February 8, 2022

They need to learn to read a room. No one believes their bullshit anymore.

— Communists aren’t people. (@Dacklor) February 8, 2022

@PressSec are you an actual insane person?

— ItssssNiktheApe (@ApeItssss) February 8, 2022

She looks happier and happier each day. All those margaritas 😂

— john berg (@BadgerJohnBerg) February 8, 2022

And kickboxing!

— The Mandarin Candidate (@Stewart63818860) February 8, 2022

Some have mentioned that it’s about the vaccine mandate and the vaccine passport. And Justin Trudeau wishes it was just sporadic congrestion.


Freedom Convoy update: Ambassador Bridge between Windsor and Detroit blocked in both directions [pics, video]

— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) February 8, 2022

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