JIFORM Names Ahmad As Speaker At Canada Summit

A Harvard scholar and United Nations Representative on Migration and Sustainability, Nermin Karin Ahmad, has been announced as a speaker at the 4th Journalists International Forum For Migration (JIFORM) Global Migration Summit in Toronto, Canada.

The summit, scheduled to take place between October 2-14, is a hybrid event with a focus on climate change, human mobility, and sustainable investment.

A statement yesterday in Abuja signed by the president of the JIFORM, Dr Ajibola Abayomi, said that Nermin a lingua franca, an Afghanistan-American would join other esteemed speakers that included former minister of Immigration, Citizenship, and secretary of State of Canada, Gerry Weiner, now the executive director,  Global Relations, Partnerships, and Customer Satisfaction, APS, Canada Startup Visas and Dr. Princess Asie Kabuki Ocansey, a member of the African Union Labour Migration Advisory Committee to analyse global migration.

During the summit, the statement said Ahmad is expected to deliver a presentation on “Diversity in Migrant Management and Economic Sustainability.”

Given her background and expertise, it said her insights are likely to be valuable to participants from various sectors, including the media, business community, migrant workers, immigration and judicial workers, government officials, and other related professionals attending the event.

It said the former minister of Immigration, Gerry Weiner expressed his full support for the summit and encouraged journalists and migration institutions to collaborate in finding solutions to global migration challenges.

It said he also urged developed countries to learn from Canada’s friendly migration policies to benefit the world economy.

The statement said the summit promises to be a significant gathering of experts and professionals in the field of migration, discussing pressing issues related to climate change, human mobility, and sustainable investment.

“Dignitaries expected to participate in the program include Professor Byron Price of the Medgars Evers College, City University, New York, USA, Philomena Gnanapragasam, the director, of Asia-Pacific Institute for Broadcasting Development (AIBD), and Ms. Phelisa Nkomo from South Africa.

“Invitations have also been extended to United Nations Non-Governmental Organisation, First Fridays Toronto, and Canada- Africa Chamber of Business.

“JIFORM, founded in 2019, is a non-profit body comprising over 300 journalists and other volunteers across the continents covering migration matters. The body had facilitated among other things the maiden African Migration summit in partnership with the Nekotech Center of Excellence in Accra, Ghana in 2021, the West African Media Migration Summit in Togo in 2021, and an intercontinental migration summit in partnership with Medgar Evers College, City University, Brooklyn, in NewYork between November 2-4, 2022,” the statement added.

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