Johnson & Johnson wants to move on to the second dose. Vaccine problems in the US have pushed her to the sidelines

The American pharmaceutical company Johnson & Johnson (J&J ed.) Today asked the government agency FDA (Food and Drug Administration ed.) For permission to boost a dose of its vaccine against covid-19. Unlike other vaccines, it was originally a single-dose vaccine. The Food and Drug Administration has in the past authorized a booster dose of the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine to people over the age of 65 and people with immune problems.

J&J provided data from their studies in which people received a booster dose at various intervals from two to six months are available to the authorities.

Two weeks ago, the company published some findings from its clinical trials, claiming that a booster dose increases the effectiveness of protection against severe covid-19 from 74 percent in people vaccinated with a single dose to 94 percent in people with two injections. She said that the levels of antibodies in the body of people with a booster dose are several times higher than those vaccinated with just one dose.

must be approved by both the FDA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). If both agencies respond positively, J&J and Moderna vaccines can be started in the United States before the end of October. The company first faced a problem with production, then there were reports of side effects of the preparation, due to which the US authorities suspended its application for a while. However, they subsequently concluded that the benefits of J&J vaccination outweigh the risks outweigh the risks. most of the nearly 400 million vaccinations applied so far in the United States come from Pfizer / BioNTech and Moderna.

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