Joseph Karasanyi Joined Forces With PMG to Bring Spiritual Enlightenment to People Through Making His Book a Motion Picture

Recent release “The Trumpet of His Coming” written by Joseph Karasanyi unfolds the divine truth of God’s mission and the coming of Jesus Christ. This book-to-screen adaptation that will be produced by PMG is really something to look forward.

Anaheim, California – WEBWIREWednesday, February 2, 2022

Pearson Media Group, a trusted global video production helps turn dreams into reality for many authors. PMG produces great quality film adaptations and Joseph Karasanyi’s book masterpiece will be one of it.

The Trumpet of His Coming is solely focused on the coming of Jesus Christ. According to this book, when a trumpet is blown, its sound indicates a variety of messages. Trumpet-like instruments have historically been used to call worshippers to assemble, warriors to battle, or hunters to the hunting grounds; but in the word of God, a trumpet was used to alert people that something unusual was about to happen. In our day, as a people waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus, the sound of a trumpet will be used by angels on God’s command to gather His people for the final assembly.

“The trumpet of His Coming is your personal wake-up call to check your personal relationship with your Savior in your personal affairs with Him and to the whole church as the body of Christ for He is at the door coming for us,” Joseph Karasanyi writes. His book that will be a film adaptation any time now will serve as an alarm to let people know that our Lord Jesus Christ is soon to come.

Joseph Karasanyi, the author of the book and Pearson Media Group aims to entertain, inform, bring wisdom, open the hearts of believers, and help people prepare for the coming of our Savior through book-to-film adaptation.

“You will be blessed when the spirit of God ministers to you personally inside to your spirit as you read the book,” Author Joseph Karasanyi says.

Jesus Christ is coming soon, are you ready? Read “The Trumpet of His Coming” and be physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually prepared for the coming of Jesus Christ. Available at bookstores everywhere or online at the Apple iTunes Store, Amazon, or Barnes & Noble.

The Trumpet of His Coming”
Author: Joseph Karasanyi
ISBN-13: 9781646705276
Publisher: Covenant Books
Publication Date: 03/14/2021
Pages: 98
Paperback: $16.95

About the Author:
Bishop Joseph Karasanyi and his wife Rose are founders and church planters of deliverance churches. Bishop Karasanyi is the president and founder of Restore Ministries operating in many parts of Africa and the Middle East. With apostolic anointing, he has planted hundreds of churches in these countries and has been promoting education through building Christian schools. Joseph is also the founder and CEO of JRK Ministries International, based in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He has traveled extensively worldwide preaching the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, and he has organized large evangelical crusades all over Africa and the Middle East working with other evangelical ministries and international organizations.

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