JPMorgan Chase partners with primary care practices for employee clinics

JPMorgan Chase has ventured into the primary care space by partnering with two medical practices to create office-based clinics for its employees in what could be a pilot for a broader effort.

More than 20,000 workers at JPMorgan Chase in the Columbus, Ohio, area can visit advanced primary care centers at three offices staffed by providers from Seattle-based Vera Whole Health and Central Ohio Primary Care of Westerville, the investment bank announced Monday. The companies also set up a pair of additional off-site clinics.

JPMorgan Chase didn’t disclose the partnership’s cost.

The financial institution will consider expanding the program to other job sites after evaluating how the Ohio primary care centers perform, a spokesperson said.

JPMorgan Chase’s Morgan Health invested $50 million in Vera last year, its first commitment to a coordinated care provider. Several months before, JPMorgan Chase, Amazon and Berkshire Hathaway disbanded Haven, their short-lived venture targeted at reducing healthcare costs.

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