Junior Pope: Recovered Body of Makeup Artist Buried at River Bank

During the day, they found the bodies of the makeup artist, Abigail and the camera assistant, Friday.

Movie producer Stanley Ontop has revealed that the body of the makeup artist has been recovered and buried.

The body was buried at the riverbank in a small ceremony, due to lack of funds to take her back to Akwa Ibom.

Recall that she was among those involved in a boat accident that killed actor, Junior Pope.

During the day, they found the bodies of the makeup artist, Abigail and the camera assistant, Friday.

Although the funeral arrangements for the rest of them has not been concluded, the body of the makeup artist, Abigail, has been buried by the river bank in a small ceremony.

Movie director, Moses Eskor, claimed her father could not provide the money needed for some traditional rites to get her body shipped back to her home state.

Although they tried to raise some money, it was not enough.

Stanley Ontop referred to this loss as a great one and calls for the arrest of the producer and the boat driver for their negligence.

See the post below

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