Jurgen Klopp: Liverpool manager says vaccine is ‘not a limit on freedom’

Jurgen Klopp
Jurgen Klopp says 99% of Liverpool players are vaccinated

Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp says he does not understand why some people refuse the coronavirus vaccine.

There have been concerns about the rate of vaccination in the Premier League with fewer than half of players jabbed at most clubs.

Klopp says “99%” of his players have been vaccinated and he has not had to convince anyone to do so.

The German says he was jabbed to protect not just himself but “all the people around me”.

“I don’t understand why that is a limitation of freedom,” he said. “Because if it is, then not being allowed to drink and drive is a limitation of freedom as well – but we accept that.

“I got the vaccination because I was concerned about myself but even more so for everyone else around me.

“If I get it and suffer – my fault. If I get it and spread it around to everyone else – my fault and not their fault.”

This week it was revealed the Premier League is considering whether to “reward” clubs whose coronavirus vaccination rates are high.

In an email to top-flight clubs last week, the Premier League said: “Only seven clubs’ squads are more than 50% fully vaccinated, so we have a way to go.”

On Friday, it was announced that Premier League players will be allowed to travel to red-list nations to represent their countries in this month’s World Cup qualifiers – but only if they are fully vaccinated.

“I think we can say we have 99% vaccinated,” added Klopp. “I didn’t have to convince the players, it was more a natural decision from the team.

“I can’t remember really talking to a player and convincing him why he should because I’m not a doctor.

“What I would give, like in a lot of other situations, would be my advice – but it was not necessary.”

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