Just bought a unique color Lamborghini Aventador Roadster to play Tet, the Vietnamese giants spent hundreds of millions of degrees on exhaust pipes and raised huge capacity.

A Lamborghini Aventador LP700-4 Roadster has just returned to Vietnam just before the Lunar New Year, bringing the total number to 5 Aventador Roadsters. The previous four were available in red, white and ivory colors. The 5th plane returned home with green Verde Ithaca nuggets. This color is currently unique in the country when considering this Aventador line alone.

The wheels that come with the car are 5-spoke dual-spoke 20 inches in front and 21 inches in the front. after, black paint combined with brake shackles is also black.

“>The new convertible Lamborghini Aventador has returned to Vietnam

More notably, this green Lamborghini Aventador Roadster has been upgraded to a new system. Racing-LP exhaust system is made from titanium as soon as the car is returned to the country.This exhaust is made of titanium material so the weight will be much lighter than the original type. Exhaust sound is also louder. The calculation of this exhaust system is up to hundreds of millions of dong.

Vừa sắm Lamborghini Aventador Roadster màu độc chơi Tết, đại gia Việt mạnh tay chi hàng trăm triệu độ dàn ống xả và nâng công suất khủng - Ảnh 2.

“>Just returned to the country, “super cow” has been upgraded to a terrible exhaust.

Vừa sắm Lamborghini Aventador Roadster màu độc chơi Tết, đại gia Việt mạnh tay chi hàng trăm triệu độ dàn ống xả và nâng công suất khủng - Ảnh 3.Vừa sắm Lamborghini Aventador Roadster màu độc chơi Tết, đại gia Việt mạnh tay chi hàng trăm triệu độ dàn ống xả và nâng công suất khủng - Ảnh 2.

Vừa sắm Lamborghini Aventador Roadster màu độc chơi Tết, đại gia Việt mạnh tay chi hàng trăm triệu độ dàn ống xả và nâng công suất khủng - Ảnh 3.

“> Racing-LP exhaust system

“>The powerful sound of the “super cow” during the upgrade process

This exhaust alone has helped to improve the efficiency somewhat. However, the owner who shows a more level of play when coming will continue to upgrade the capacity of this car.Originally, the Lamborghini Aventador Roadster LP700-4 uses a 6.5-liter V12 engine, capacity. nearly 700 hp and 690 Nm of torque.

Currently In the past, there were Ferrari 488 GTB and McLaren 720S cars that were upgraded by tweaking both hardware and software. It seems that the power of these super cars is still not enough to satisfy the Vietnamese giants.

According to Manh Cuong

Young intellectuals

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