Kanye West sends an essay about a date with her new girlfriend


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Kanye West is actress Julia Fox, who was rumored to be a new dating partner. Has sent an essay describing the date.

Julia Fox, known for her appearance in the movie “Uncut Gems,” was performing “Slave Play” by Jeremy O. Harris in New York. He was witnessed with Kanye West and was rumored to be dating.

Julia Fox has contributed to Interview magazine about dating.

“I met Ye on New Year’s Eve in Miami and I was able to get to know him right away,” she begins. “His energy is fun to be with. It made me and my friends laugh, dance and smile during the night. To continue this energy, I flew back to New York and said,’ I decided to watch “Slave Play”. “

” Yeah’s flight arrived at 6 o’clock, but I was impressed by the fact that he was in time for the 7 o’clock performance. After that, I decided to eat at one of my favorite restaurants, Carborn. “

She goes on to say: “He surprised me after the meal. I’m still surprised, but he filled the hotel suite with clothes. This is the Cinderella moment that every woman dreams of. How? I didn’t know if I was in time. “

” I was surprised that someone would do this on my second date. What? Like on my second date. Everything between us is organic and I don’t know where this is going, but if this implies a future, I’m happy to go with you.

Last July, Kanye West was reportedly dating model Irina Shayk, which was denied by Irina Shayk.

Kanye West and Kim Kardashian filed a divorce notice with the Los Angeles Superior Court last February, and in April they jointly held a divorce arbitration with four children. It has been revealed that an agreement has been reached on custody.

Kanye West and Kim Kardashian cited “an uncompromising difference” as the reason for the divorce. Kim Kardashian alleged that the pre-marriage contract kept the property of both parties separated during the marriage.

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