Kenya: Kenyan Boxers Through to World Champs Round of 16 Without Throwing Punches

NAIROBI, Kenya, March 10, 2025 – Kenya’s Lencer Akinyi and Pauline Chege have qualified for the next round of the Women’s World Boxing Championships in Nis, Serbia after their would-be opponents failed to show up.

Chege was scheduled to face Bojana Gojkovic in a round of 32 bout in the featherweight category but the Montenegro national was a no-show.

Consequently, the Kenyan was given a bye into the round of 16 without throwing a punch.

It was the same case for Akinyi whose round of 32 fight in the flyweight category against Truelove Thandolwethu of South Africa became a cropper following the latter’s absence.

Hit Squad began the tournament on an unfortunate note after Veronicah Mbithe lost to Kazakhstan’s Alua Balkibekova via a points decision.

The round of 32 bout in the light flyweight category was ruled 5:0 in favour of the Kazakhstani.

Cynthia Mwai is the next Kenyan expected in the ring when she faces off with Mexican Miriam Edith Gonzalez in the round of 16 in a light welterweight bout on Tuesday.

Kenya are searching for their first ever medal in the tournament since they debuted in 2012 in Bridgetown, Barbados.

The team consist of eight pugilists and four officials.

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