Kjaer: 'I'm not close to renewing with Milan, but I'm extremely happy at the Rossoneri'

Kjaer: 'Non sono vicino al rinnovo con il Milan, ma in rossonero sono estremamente felice'

Milan, I’m waiting for you. Since Denmark’s withdrawal, Simon Kjaer has talked about his contract expiring in 2022. “Are I closer to renewing with Milan? No, but I am still extremely happy to play for the Rossoneri. I have spent so many moments in football that I don’t focus on this aspect. I feel good, I like to play and enjoy life at Milan . The club knows my opinion and my position on it: when it wants to resolve the matter, it also knows that it can call me ” . The future of the power plant born in 1989, which earns around 1.2 million euros, is still a priority for Maldini and Massara: the hypothesis of an extension of one year, until 2023, remains very probable. In the Rossoneri he played 63 matches with 1 goal scored.

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