Košava felled a tree in the center of Belgrade, the canopy “entered” the apartments

Photo Printscreen / RTS

Today more than 70 reports for broken branches or trees due to wind. Mostly in the municipalities of Palilula, Zvezdara and Voždovac. Košava felled a tree in Vojvode Dobrnjac Street, and the canopy entered through the windows of the apartments. Duty services state that they work 24 hours a day throughout the city.

How is it published by RTS , in Ulica vojvode Dobrnjca 26A, a tree fell on the building, on the upper floors, the canopy literally “entered” “Into apartments. As RTS has learned, the green area from which the tree fell belongs to the assembly of the tenants of this building and something similar has already happened a year ago.

From Zelenil they say that they are ready to help and remove the wood, but that it is necessary for the tenants to remove the parked cars before that.

At around 1 pm in Oplenačka Street in Rakovica, a tree fell from a private yard on a bus running on line 56. Although there were passengers on the bus, no one was injured.

The picture from Zvezdara speaks best about how strong the wind is. A large tree in Volgina Street broke a meter from the ground.

“Yes, in question has blown as you can see behind my back, today are the strongest gusts of wind, we have an increased duty since Tuesday, but today are really the strongest gusts of wind. We had over 70 calls from our fellow citizens until 12 o’clock, who reported windbreaks of trees and falling branches, “said Gordana Miljojković, coordinator for cooperation with the media of JKP” Zelenilo Beograd “.

The Republic Chrometeorological Association of Serbia says that the wind speed in some places in the city reached a speed of over 60 kilometers per hour, which is the wind that

Most calls in the last 12 hours were from the municipality of Zvezdara, Palilula and from the municipality of Voždovac.

However, strong wind gusts did not bypass other parts of the city . This morning, our teams were in Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra 530, where a part of the sour wood fell on the roof of the house, and on the corner of Kraljica Marija and Karnegijeva Street, where a part of the canopy fell on the street. There were no injuries or major material damage.

“We have the most fractures, but we have a lot of We also had windbreaks of whole trees in the municipality of Vracar, which is not exempt from this strong wind and strong gusts, so that in almost all municipalities we have broken branches during the day, “said Miljojković.

Duty services work 24 hours a day throughout the city.

“We go out to all calls of citizens to the field to repair all windbreaks and all broken branches because it is our obligation and duty no matter what areas are in question, whether are the areas public or not “, Gordana Miljojković emphasized.

Citizens can have such problems report to the Information Center from 7.30 to 15.30 on the number 011 / 2630-506, and after that time to the duty service of JKP “Zelenilo Beograd” on the number 011 / 2650-683.

In case of material damage due to a broken branch or tree and, the injured parties can fill in the report on the damage and submit it to the Commission for Damage of JKP “Zelenilo Beograd” after which the damage is compensated through the Joint Stock Insurance Company.

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