Kuldeep Sengar's daughter spoke

Story Highlights

  • Said- The religion of morality will never forgive you
  • Aishwarya Sengar said- My father’s name is politics in Unnao Used for

Congress Unnao gang rape victim mother Asha Singh has been given ticket in the assembly elections. Aishwarya Sengar, daughter of former MLA Kuldeep Singh Sengar, targeted the Congress regarding this matter. He released a video on Twitter on giving ticket to Asha Singh and said that this step taken from Priyanka Gandhi political point of view may seem right to you, but the religion of society and morality will never forgive you.

Kuldeep Sengar’s daughter Aishwarya Sengar said that Priyanka Gandhi has given ticket to Asha Singh for political gains. I have no problem with Asha Singh. My objection is to Priyanka Gandhi Vadra. My father’s name has been used for politics in Unnao. Aishwarya also made many allegations against Asha Singh’s family.

‘The public of Unnao is understanding the political game’

Aishwarya Sengar said that Priyanka Gandhi Vadra talks about ‘I can fight a girl’, yet my sister, mother and I are different from the society. comments have been encountered. We were trolled. All kinds of things are done on social media. My father was convicted even before the start of the case. The people of Unnao are understanding this political game.

Let us tell you that the Unnao rape victim was raped in the year 2017, she was also kidnapped. Kuldeep Singh Sengar, who was an MLA in this case, has been sentenced to life imprisonment. Kuldeep Singh Sengar was an MLA from BJP, he was expelled by the party in 2019 and later his MLA was also gone. In the year 2019, CRPF security was provided to the rape victim and her family members by the Supreme Court.

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