Inner Mongolia police released a sparrowhawk, a national second-class protected animal


The picture shows Erenhot Sparrowhawk rescued by the police from the Forest Public Security Bureau of the Municipal Public Security Bureau. Photo by Liang Xiaohong

China News Network Erlianhot, October 9th (Li Aiping and Liang Xiaohong) The Forest Public Security Bureau of the Public Security Bureau of Erlianhot City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region said on the 9th that the bureau successfully rescued a sparrow eagle, a second-class national protected animal. Successfully released it to nature on the 9th.

On October 7, the Forest Public Security Bureau of the Public Security Bureau of Erenhot City received 110 assignments stating that there is a wild animal in Longcheng Yaju Community of Erenhot City that needs rescue.

After receiving the report, the police rushed to the scene and found an eagle in the Longcheng Yaju community. The comparison confirmed that the bird is a second-level national protected animal sparrow hawk.

This sparrowhawk is an adult bird and has no obvious trauma. It strayed into the residential area due to hunger and weakness and was unable to move. The sparrowhawk is a bird of prey, and Adult birds are aggressive. In order not to harm the people, the police immediately caught them with poultry nets, brought them back for feeding and rescue, and released them to nature after their physical strength was restored.

Geng Xiaohua, a policeman from the Forest Public Security Bureau of the Erenhot City Public Security Bureau, said: “This sparrow eagle was discovered by citizens a few days ago. At that time, the sparrow eagle was very weak and unable to fly. The police then brought the sparrow eagle back to the unit for feeding.”

“Now this sparrow eagle has plump wings and fully recovered physical fitness, we decided to let it fly to nature. “Geng Xiaohua said.

In recent years, as the ecological environment at Erlianhot Port has improved day by day, the number of various wild animals has increased significantly, and the people at the port have become more and more aware of wildlife protection high.

The Forest Public Security Bureau of the Public Security Bureau of Erenhot City this year treated demoiselle cranes, cormorants, half-webbed sandpipers, buzzards, sparrowhawks, etc., a total of more than 30 national one , Class II protected animals. (over)

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