Kwesi Nyantaky calls for support for Black Stars

Former Ghana Football Association (GFA) president, Kwesi Nyantakyi has asked Ghanaisns to throw their support behind the Black Stars ahead of the quest to end the 40-year wait for another Africa Cup of Nations title.

The senior national team, since 1982 have failed to lift the AFCON trophy despite coming close in recent times. Ghanaians based on the performances of the team in the last few years have ruled out the possibility of ending the drought in Cameroon.

However, Nyantakyi, under whose watch the Black Stars lost two Afcon finals (2010, 2015) has has urged Ghanaians to rally their support behind the team and believe in them.

“This is my country and everybody know that and this is Black Stars”, the former GFA boss said on Onua TV.

“When the Black Stars is playing, everybody supports the team and that is what I am also going to do.

“Let us all unite and support the team because when the team perform, everybody will say Ghana and bot one person’s name.

“This is not the time to be saying stuff that divides the country. Let us all stay united and support the team,” he concluded.

Milovan Rajevac’s men will begin their 2021 Afcon campaign on Monday, January 10 against the Atlas Lions of Moroccco.

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