Laerte Gomes says that the Detran of Rondônia is “assaulting the consumer's pocket” after deliberate increase in the IPVA

By Rondoniadinamica Published in

01/07/2022 at 11:44 am

Porto Velho, RO – State deputy Laerte Gomes, from the PSDB, even presented a Bill aimed at prohibiting the increase in the Tax on Motor Vehicle Ownership (IPVA) in 2021.

Deputy Laerte Gomes presents a Bill that prohibits an increase in IPVA and other services charged by the Detran

Even so, according to the parliamentarian, the State Department of Transit of Rondônia, the Detran/RO, took advantage of the gap between the presentation of the legislative proposal and its sanction or not, and, before the deliberation by the authorities, decided to increase the tax by something around 25%.

“My project came with this intention: to prevent the increase in adjustment. So that the FIPE table used as a reference was still the one for 2020”, he noted.

According to the former president of the Assembly (ALE/RO), the Detran/ RO, currently, already has excess revenue.

“I presented the project thinking about the population, the consumer, who did not have salary or income increases, so it is unfair that the increase of the IPVA is promoted”, he sanctioned.

The Detran/RO, “in the opposite way”, with “the hunger to collect”, to “increase its revenue without worry about the user”, continues the member of the State House of Laws, did not meet the claim brought in the legal text sent by the toucan for deliberation.

He is in the sanction phase – or not –, he repeats, that is, for the deputy, the autarchy took advantage of the hiatus in order to promote the readjustment in a deliberate, “cowardly” way.

“The Detran/RO is cowardly ‘assaulting’ the pocket of the Rondonian consumer, the user, because there was no need to increase the IPVA, since the agency has excess collection”, he asserted.

And concluded:

“The State body has no commitment to the citizen. Just think about collecting, collecting and collecting! And this is my charge and indignation about the IPVA. Rondônia should do as in other states, like Minas Gerais, where the governor suspended the tax increase, maintaining the same value as last year”, he concluded.

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