Last known photos of Mark Lorentzon

Can carry a brown drama bag

Here are the last known pictures of the suspected bomber Mark Lorentzon, 55.

In the search that went out to Swedish police this week, he is described as dangerous, according to information to Aftonbladet.

Mark Lorentzon can also carry a brown drama bag.

The suspected bomber in Gothenburg

, Mark Lorentzon, wanted in the morning internationally. He is still missing since the explosion of the apartment building in Annedal in Gothenburg on 28 September.

Uses cycling

In the search that went out to Swedish police this week, Mark Lorentzon is described as dangerous. According to information to Aftonbladet, he does not own a car but usually rides a bicycle.

Can carry a drama bag

On the last known pictures show him in a grain blue quilted jacket and light trousers. He can also carry a brown drama bag, according to Aftonbladet’s information.

Where Lorentzon is currently is unknown and Mark Lorentzon, 55, was arrested in his absence on Monday.

He is suspected for probable cause of gross public destruction and attempted murder after the explosion in the apartment building in Annedal in Gothenburg on September 28.

Here is the last known the picture of suspect Mark Lorentzon.

In the picture you can see the brown bag that he, according to Aftonbladet’s information, has to pull around.

Mark Lorentzo n, 55, is wanted for the explosion in Gothenburg. Photo: Police


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